The Best #Lifeofamedstudent tweets of all time!
By #LifeofaMedStudent
Attending: hands me stethoscope What does this murmur sound like? Me: Sounds like you’re about to be disappointed in me. #LifeofaMedStudent
Mom: Are you getting enough sleep? Me: Sometimes when I sneeze my eyes close for a second…#LifeOfAMedStudent
HS: Study never, Score 100. College: Study two hours, Score 95. Med-School: Study continuously, Score 60. #LifeofaMedStudent
Optimist: Glass half full. Pessimist: Glass half empty. Med student: I see you found my tears. #Lifeofamedstudent
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When people ask “how many more yrs of studying do you have?” and you’re just like “til death do us part.” #MarriedtoMed #LifeOfaMedStudent
Delivering babies… When everyone else your age is having them. #Lifeofamedstudent
Med school: it’s kind of like #Aprilfoolsday… but it’s all the time, and the joke is always on you. #Lifeofamedstudent
It is a scientific fact that the most effective birth control is an OB/GYN rotation, followed by Pediatrics. #lifeofamedstudent
Through med school, remember to reflect on how many people never make it this far. No matter scores or rank, you are already exceptional. #LifeofaMedStudent
“Hello, from the other side. I must have called a 1000 times.”- Adele trying to get a hold of her friend in Med School. #Lifeofamedstudent
Can I wake up and just be a doctor already?? #Lifeofamedstudent
To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it. #LifeofaMedStudent
Med lectures so boring you aren’t sure if you are dazing off or having an absence seizure… #Lifeofamedstudent
“Let’s mix our anatomy and physiology, create some biochemistry, without any microbiology that leads to pathology.” #weekendmedpickuplines
Med school drinking game: Every 5 min take a shot of water so you remain adequately hydrated (goal UOP >0.5ml/kg/hr). #LifeofaMedStudent
Me: Time to get my shit together and start studying more. Me 2 weeks later: time to get my shit together and start studying more.
Friends are making money, working normal hours and I’m over here like “Ya, but how well do you know the kreb’s cycle?!” #lifeofamedstudent
“Blood is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you.” #medicalpickuplines
The fact that there aren’t any “Beats by Dre” stethoscopes make me very concerned Dr. Dre may, in fact, not be a real doctor…
The irony of telling patients to “eat healthy, exercise, and plenty of sleep” when you rarely do any of the above. #LifeOfAMedStudent
You know what makes me smile? The seventh cranial nerve. Ha! #MedicalHumor #lifeofamedstudent
I thought medical school would be the comedy of “Scrubs” mixed with the sex of “Greys” … I was SO SO wrong. #lifeofamedstudent
Washing your hands like you’re scrubbing in for surgery… in a public restroom… #awkwardlooks #LifeofAMedStudent
If it was easy… Everyone would be a doctor. #LifeOfAMedStudent
Trust me, I saw this on an episode of Grey’s Anatomy once… #LifeofaMedStudent
Did you cut my phrenic nerve? Because baby, you take my breath away. #medpickuplines #lifeofamedstudent
Knowing you could study forever and it never ever be close to enough… #Lifeofamedstudent
Studying for exams in med-school :: Where even briefly leaving the house feels like you’re going on vacation… #lifeofamedstudent
That “one more” cup of coffee that takes you from almost feeling alert to full blown anxiety attack.. #lifeofamedstudent
It’s the weekend!! Time to party!! Ha, JK, time to catch up on studying. For real. Seriously, I’m so far behind. #lifeofamedstudent
#IntialsOfSomeoneYouCareAbout :: M.D. … Not a “someone” but it’s the only initials I care about. #lifeofamedstudent
Instead of waiting for the weekend to relax, med-students wait for the weekend to catch up on studying. #AlwaysBehind #lifeofamedstudent
Got 99 problems and pathology is every. single. one of them. #lifeofamedstudent
Got 99 problems and I can’t pronounce any of them. #Pharmacology #Lifeofamedstudent
Med school may be a marathon, but you have sprint the whole damn way… #lifeofamedstudent
Drawing Valentine’s day hearts 4-chambered and anatomically correct, as they should be! #lifeofamedstudent
Can’t I just be a doctor already?!? #LifeOfAMedStudent
Trying to find the perfect amount of coffee that somehow keeps you awake, w/o turning you into a jittery, rambling mess #LifeOfAMedStudent
When somebody says “Nothing can can be more complicated than love” Throw medical textbooks at them #lifeofmedstudent
When you start diagnosing random people you see with diseases you’ve studied #LifeofaMedStudent
When life throws u a bone… Learn it’s attachments #LifeOfAMedStudent
When non-med friends talk about how great their weekend was I just want to give them a high-5.. in the face.. w/ a chair #lifeofamedstudent
#QuickestWayToEndUpSingle …. go. to. medical. school. #lifeofamedstudent
People judge you by the size of your….. white coat. #lifeofamedstudent
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