6 Tips for Studying Anatomy

Tips for Studying Anatomy!
1. Make the facts your own
This is a simple idea that far too few students practice regularly. Don’t stop at underlining and highlighting important material in your textbooks and study guides: Write it down. Or type it up.
Use a coloring book. Chart!
Study online! Whatever you do, don’t just regurgitate it exactly as presented in the material you’re studying. Make it your own – one of the most important tips for studying anatomy!
2. Discover the type of learner you are
To get the most out of your study time, you need to figure out what your learning style is and alter your study habits to accommodate it. Visual?
Try flashcards. Auditory?
Check out online resources. Don’t follow along what others are doing if it doesn’t fit your style – you’ll struggle no matter how much effort is put in.
(#LifeofaMedStudent note: For my own version of study advice, check out the article “How to Study in Medical School.” If interested in study resources – check out “The Best Books for Medical School.“)

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3. Repetition Repetition Repetition
Notice what I did there? This one is fairly obvious, the more you go over something, the more likely you will remember it. But to avoid the inevitable monotony that comes with repetition, now occasionally switch up your study styles. Be creative! Instead of just reciting, try drawing diagrams, flashcards, mnemonics or video tutorials.
4. Do you struggle with memorizing the terms?
Anatomy is a science, not a fine art. Things are named for a reason, and not because someone wants to appear classy! Search for that reason. Learn the word roots, at least focus on the suffixes and prefixes. There are many websites and online sources you can use that elaborate on anatomical word roots, such as
this great resource.
5. Start early and frequently
Instead of cramming on the night before, schedule your time and notes. A general rule of thumb is to allocate 90 – 120 minutes for outside study for every 60 minutes spent in the classroom. Yes, that is why medical school is a full-time job!
6. Quiz, Quiz, Quiz
Get old exams or
online question banks. Mock real-life exam conditions, start at the eventual exam time, give yourself only “allowed” breaks, and finish the entire exam like it was test day. Then check your score at the end and carefully go through your answers. If you have a study group, do this with them, exchange exam papers with them so that they’ll grade your paper and you’ll mark someone else’s. Heavy emphasis on
practice questions and mocking exam conditions is a
proven study method!
“The Diary of A Med Student” is a second-year medical student who is a popular “studygram” microblogger on Instagram. The IG account focuses on the experience of medical school and shares helpful tips along the way. For more, give @thediaryofamedstudent a follow!
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Good tips.
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