Below are paid sponsors of the #LifeofaMedStudent page. These are companies that have strong connections to the medical field or can directly benefit the lives of LifeofaMedStudent readers.
#LifeofaMedStudent is thankful for the support of these sponsors and encourages our followers to consider them for their business!
Interested in becoming a #LifeofaMedStudent Sponsor? For more information, send an email to or use our contact page!
Platinum Sponsors:
MedSchoolCoach was founded in 2007 with a simple premise: physicians should help future physicians. Since that time, we’ve helped more than 12,000 students get into and through medical school.
Our advisors are actual physicians with admissions committee experience. Our tutors go through the most rigorous selection process in the industry. Our company is focused just on one thing: build future physicians.

BoardVitals helps medical students, residents, and other aspiring health professionals prepare for medical board exams, in-service exams, and more by offering high-yield content in their online question banks for over 30 medical board exams. Study on-the-go from their convenient mobile app. 100% Pass Guaranteed! BoardVitals – USMLE, COMLEX, Shelf Exams, NAPLEX, INBDE, NCLEX, and over 30 other medical board exams!
Learn more at!
Wolters Kluwer Lippincott® resources:
At Wolters Kluwer, we’re dedicated to providing trusted educational content that meets the needs of today’s medical students. To that end, we publish textbooks and test-prep resources to support you through every step of your journey. We’ve also added a brand-new learning resource that helps students study smarter — Lippincott® Connect. Now, included with the purchase of the print format of Lippincott® Connect featured titles you get even more:
- Access to the full, searchable eBook
- Additional digital resources, such as diagrams, audio and video tutorials, and self-assessment
- Study Collections, created by you to best suit the way you study
- Multi-functional highlighting and note taking features
- Seamless navigation between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes and highlights in a single view/page
Learn more about Lippincott® Connect on
Save 30% on Lippincott® Connect featured titles and more Wolters Kluwer resources designed to support your medical education journey today!
Picmonic has taken what science has shown, which is that picture mnemonics work, and boosted their effectiveness by creating a research-proven learning system filled with memorable characters, unforgettable stories, and built-in quizzing.
Picmonic covers thousands of hard-to-learn facts and topics, to help you master the material that medical students often struggle to learn. Reduce stress in school while boosting performance on exams and pave your way to professional success. Save 20% off Picmonic by using this link!
Student Loan Help!
Andrew Paulson, CSLP with
I am the Lead Student Loan Consultant and Co-Founder of I have a Masters degree in Accounting and a Certified Student Loan Professional (CSLP) and enjoy business and finance. My passion for helping people find solutions to complex financial problems inspired me to create
I have had the pleasure of advising hundreds of doctors across the country on how to best manage their student loan debt. In fact, the journey to began when I sat down with my wife years ago as we made a plan to pay off her nursing school debt. Your student loan debt may seem overwhelming at first, but my clients feel huge relief when a solid, actionable plan is in place.
Silver Sponsor:
Pattern specializes in helping doctors acquire true own-occupation disability insurance and term life insurance. True own-occupation disability insurance is a product that insures a physician’s full salary post-tax, should they acquire a disability that affects their ability to perform the specific duties of their specialty. There are only 6 insurance companies (out of 30+) that provide true own-occupation disability insurance.
When a physician requests quotes with Pattern, we submit quote forms to all 6 of these companies and assemble the policy options into a simple presentation. The doctor then reviews their quote options with one of our unbiased agents during a 20-30 minute online meeting. This turn-key process saves doctors countless hours of filling out forms, talking to multiple agents, and sending documents back and forth. We do not receive company-specific incentives, allowing us to remain truly unbiased and provide a truly educational role as doctors shop for disability insurance. Request a quote today!