The Best of #DearFutureMD:
The inspirational hashtag for physicians-to-be!
Want to pass on some medical and life knowledge to a younger generation? Or just look back at a younger (maybe less jaded) self? Twitter has you covered with this viral hastag – #DearFutureMD. This was previously started several years ago, and recently brought back trending via a tweet from Canadian Medical Students on Twitter (@CFMSFEMC):
Do you have advice to pass on to new med students? We encourage learners, docs and allied health to share their tips using
Twitter has answered! And here are some of the best!
#DearFutureMD write down why you applied to medical school, look back at it on days you struggle to find joy. @KP_MD2018
Continue to prioritize your own wellness. Stay physically active and maintain your personal relationships. #DearFutureMD #resilience #meded @KimKellyMD
#DearFutureMD your health ≥ family > friends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that mark you got on that test that was pass-fail anyway #LearnForLife @jessiebryce
#DearFutureMD use the time you have in med school to explore passions, new and old, outside of medicine @SilverSarah92
#DearFutureMD Watch the really good physicians carefully: they stay humble, open minded, they listen and ask questions @allynewalsh
#DearFutureMD just because you may not meet many women surgeons in your training, it doesn’t mean you can’t be one. We are here to help! @WomenSurgeons
#DearFutureMD Healthcare is transforming- you have the ability to shape and nurture it. Be bold, curious & innovative. @fa_rizzuti
#DearFutureMD remember the way you felt on the first days of med school and keep that beginners mind through your studies@in_viva
#DearFutureMD Welcome! The road is long and often arduous, but know that many have walked this road before. And we are all rooting for you! @HG_Annan
Work hard (always do your best) Rest hard (take time to recover) Love what you do (find your joy in Medicine) #dearfutureMD @drgigiosler
Keep your hobbies. You might not practice them as often in med school, but you should make a little time for them every so often! @jaz_hawes
#DearFutureMD, when I ask MDs what makes a day worth getting up for, it’s not $ or status. Rather the value of patient care & relationships. @stand2reason
#DearFutureMD it’s okay if you’re sometimes not okay. Don’t assume your peers aren’t struggling with similar things. @Alex_Coutin
#DearFutureMD Don’t feel guilty for taking lunch (even 5-10 min). You’ll be smarter and kinder (better Dr) for it! #hangry @bechardmel
#DearFutureMD you will not need to perform an emergency cricothyroidotomy as often as Grey’s Anatomy would have you believe @StudentMed_Life
#DearFutureMD limited resources mean your choices will impact how pts receive time & attention. Don’t forget it’s also true for your family. @AlikaMD
#DearFutureMD Develop good financial habits now. You don’t want to have to work when you are 75, you can work because you want to. @drmoneymatters
#DearFutureMD, med school is a priority but not the only one. Take time to focus on you & on other aspects of life that bring you joy! @AmyCook43
#DearFutureMD don’t be afraid to lead change, do research, question the status quo. @drjondean
#DearFutureMD Don’t be afraid to show emotion. When you shed a tear in the face of your patient’s suffering, you humanize them. @HanafiSarah
#DearFutureMD If a patient asks you to get them a drink or warm blanket,don’t say ‘I’ll get the nurse’.Do it your damn self. @NWOdoctor
Medicine pushes you out of your comfort zone and humbles you. Lean into that, and keep your chin up. You deserve to be here. #DearFutureMD @nabeelanathoo
#dearfutureMD it takes more than #medschool to make a physician. The not-medicine-things teach you to see people instead of diagnoses. #AMSA
#dearFutureMD. You have three jobs: listen, think, care. Ordering, prescribing, telling happen only after you have done the 1st 3 jobs well. @snewbery1
#DearFutureMD Pace yourself. It’s a long career @DrJohnAquino
#DearFutureMD OR #DearFutureDO: Take time to balance out your life. You are more than studying 24/7 @running_trish
#DearFutureMD: – stay curious – don’t judge – never assume – say thank you a lot – know that the human touch is the best medicine @Kati_Ivanyi
#DearFutureMD Always question your own and systemic biases that lead to poorer health in some people/groups. Doctors can do harm. @Monika_Dutt
Be kind to each patient you meet.They won’t know the rough day you had, & they are scared/anxious/hurting.Kindness=comfort #DearFutureMD @shirleyschipper
If the nurse in charge of the ward tells you that you need to see a patient, you need to see the patient. #DearFutureMD @AndrewElder
#dearfutureMD Look up from your computer screen. Look your patient in the eye. Make sure they know you’re listening. @jblackmerMD
#dearfutureMD Sit down, be at eye level w your patient, keep eye contact, don’t interrupt This is harder than it sounds Make yourself do it. @drsusanshaw
#dearfutureMD,I am a wife, good friend, scientist, humanitarian, and travel-enthusiast first, all before being a doctor. Remember who are. @gaya_kp
And lastly….
#DearFutureMD get twitter. @jessiebryce
Read more by following the #DearFutureMD tag on twitter!
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